Grave Saver™ Sizes & Pricing
The Grave Saver™ costs $99.00 in all sizes. This is hundreds less that what you would pay for a cement border, and it’s more durable, won’t stain, crack, fade, or sink like a cement border does.
Three Available Sizes/Models

Grave Saver™ Model #1123
The Grave Saver™ Model #1123 is 11″ x 23″ x 4″ and is designed for stones measuring 10″ x 20″ or smaller with smooth or rough cut edges.

Grave Saver™ Model #1224
The Grave Saver™ Model #1224 is 12″ x 24″ x 4″ and is designed for stones measuring 12″ x 24″ or smaller with smooth edges.

Grave Saver™ Model #1325
The Grave Saver™ Model #1325 is 13″ x 25″ x 4″ and is designed for stones measuring 12″ x 24″ or smaller with rough cut or raw edges.